Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Goodbye 2013, hello 2014!

2012 was one hell of a year. Therefore 2013 had big, big boots to fill. And boy did 2013 go to town! This year I felt like I took more action, more risks. From the major- changing jobs and moving into my first flat with my other half; to the minor- going blonde and giving my blog an overhaul. I'd like 2014 to be a little more settled, not getting too comfortable because that would dull but maintaining and improving all of the things I managed to change this year. So gaining more experience to progress in my job, turning our flat into the perfect sanctuary to come home to, not letting nasty ass roots show through the blonde too much (semi joking!).

More importantly though, I want to enjoy more that life has to offer. While my job is incredibly important to me, I want to ensure that I use my time away from it wisely to keep my mind open, positive and relaxed. I want to use less energy on negativity and save it for doing more, seeing more, achieving more.